Memorial Types

Upright Memorials

While uprights are the most traditional memorials, each can be customized to tell your family's story in stone. Upright memorials can be customized and crafted in almost any shape, color and size, depending on the plot size and cemetery restrictions. Your loved ones' hobbies, interests, heritage and special relationships can provide the basis for a highly personalized memorial design. Binghamton-Johnson City Memorials can take the design and turn it into an exquisitely crafted, one of a kind, piece of artwork.

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Slant Memorials

These stand typically 18 inches above the ground, with the back of the stone straight, and the front sloping at approximately a 45 degree angle. This memorial can be set directly on the ground, or can be elevated by a base. The slant provides for a larger surface to design, maximizing your ability to make your family memorial special.

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Lawn Level and Bevel Memorials

Flat Grass markers are set flush to the ground, and are the smallest memorials. Their limited size, however, does not eliminate the opportunity to personalize this marker. The size and shape are more set than the other markers, but the choice of color remains, as well as opting to use brass accents or a unique inscription. Bevel style markers are above the ground and have a slight pitch to them however are not readable unless the viewer is standing directly above them.

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Family and Estate Memorials

A family's legacy lives on in the design of a mausoleum. The largest of the family memorials, a mausoleum can share a family's history with future generations. This monument is designed to keep the memories of the family alive as it houses the spirit of those who have passed. Because they are enclosed, families can reflect on the lives and the history of their loved ones in a private setting.

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Civic Memorials

The Binghamton-Johnson City Monument Co. has years of experience in helping local municipalities and civic organizations in commemorating their communities and the leaders of those communities

Our most recent civic memorial was the City of Binghamton the American Civic Association Memorial located in Binghamton.  The memorial is and will always be a lasting dignified tribute to the loved ones whose lives were lost in the April 3, 2009 tragedy.  The memorial is dedicated to those lost, as well as those who survived, and the community that responded.  Binghamton-Johnson City Monument Company was honored in having the privilege to have been an instrumental part of keeping the memories of those lost alive.

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Cremation Memorials

By today's standards, cremation has been classified as a economical and enviromentally acceptable form of  final disposition.  However, one major misconception about cremation is that the survivors usually don’t see the need for a monument because they are going to "scatter" the cremains.  However, many families feel that it is vitally important to have a permanent place where they can reflect and remember their loved one, especially during special occasions such as birthdays and death dates.

Cremorials are unique monuments that have been designed paying careful attention to the needs of consumers.  Below is a sample of the many cremorials that we have designed.

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Urn Memorials

Cremation memorials composed of granite and bronze are perfect for families who prefer to have the cremation memorial placed in a niche or columbarium. 

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